Grin across the sky. Potent of miraculous moments ahead. Forgotten by a grin to become one towards what has been forgotten. Airhead, free minded, terbulent times.
Shocked upon realising a future of identical faces. Where one man is no longer unique compared to the other. Teams of support undergo another realm of harmless distruction. Superheroes born, fantasized, worshiped. Blast of insulting accusations. "You Asians look the same", some say...... But our hair styles determine our differences.
A world believed plain and straight had become a theme park of truths and lies added together in a stir fry of counterparts to reality. The moment where thyself would come forth for another analytical examination of the same vehicles that drive the world of peace and love, would only then realise... "We're the one tilted".
Asiancat disapproves of the faulty comings and goings of the populace.....
But then, there will always be moments of unexpected humour upon the glorious world we have at hand.
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